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Live with Intention

It is way too easy to put our life on autopilot – work, eat, and sleep. We can also find ourselves hypnotized by screens (iPad, phone), sometimes Emma thinks of the screens as dementors (Harry Potter) sucking her soul. All of this only distracts us from finding Harmony.  When we make the time to connect with Nature, to feel in harmony with ourselves and in our couple, we get to create our reality while living in harmony with our environment.   To live with intention starts with a deliberate, conscious choice to be the captain of our life and choose our path and manifest that reality.

A background intention that we can all choose to experience would be “to be happy”.  Happiness is a choice we make, we are not wired to be happy, it doesn’t happen by accident. To be happy is a choice we must make, and even if we can’t be happy all the time, we choose to see the bright side in all situations.

To live in harmony is also a choice.  Harmony for us is: – connecting within ourselves and finding balance and clarity in our purpose – connecting with our partner, recognizing their needs and being a support – connecting with our planet, honoring and respecting that the Earth is a living organism But what is best about intention is that it is super versatile.  You can use a different intention for various actions you take in your life. For example:

– In the shower, while performing your daily “scrub” you can have the intention that the water takes away all your worries, regenerates you, and/or connects you with the divine.

– While going to work, Emma has the intention to play a crucial role in Improving health and happiness in a way that helps transform the world

– While cooking, being thankful and holding the intention of pouring love into the meal is always one of our favorites.

– When laying down to bed at night having the intention of having a restful night’s sleep and waking refreshed.

In order to live with intention, you first need to start recognizing the signs that you’re not controlling your own life. Some of the signs are:

· You do a lot of things without thinking about them.

· Your daily routine is predictable.

· You make excuses to not try new things.

· Your default mode is scrolling through your phone.

· You say yes to everything.

· You’re not making progress on your goals.

· You feel like your life is missing something, that there is a better life to be lived.

To make living with intention a part of your life you first need to choose to do it regularly. It takes a conscious effort to get started and make it a habit so start with one intention for the day and progress from there.  When we use intention we become creative forces in our lives and with our shared reality.  Intention is how we can live and see the life of our dreams.


Here are 7 ways to help you start defining your intentions.

· Look up. Unplug from your electronic device

· Pay attention to your life

· Be quiet and listen

· Define who you are and what you want

· Dream big

· Make goals

· Connect with the people around you


Comment down below and let us know what intention you are starting with.  Or if you already live with intention, please share with us. Accountability is helpful.

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