
Mindset in creating harmony

February 20, 20252 min read

Harmony in life can be defined as a pleasing arrangement of parts, or a sense of inner calm. Harmony in music is when it sounds pleasing to our ears and the structure of the notes fit together correctly. So I understand harmony to be when different parts fit and work together for something even better.

Emma and I are out looking to create more harmony in our lives, our couple, and with this planet that we call home. We have decided to go out and look for more harmony but we can also work to create more harmony with where we live and find ourselves. We have been making changes in our lives to bring more a sense of harmony into our lives by changing how we get and prepare our food, creating a community of like minded individuals around us, being conscious of the things we buy and the waste that we create. I’ve learned that harmony in life doesn’t just come because we were nice and waited patiently but because we wanted more of it and chose to take action to create it.

I’ve just finished a book by a friend (pre-print) called “The Homesteading Mindset” by Elizabeth Bruckner. She has written a very accessible book to get anyone started in a homesteading lifestyle. She gave many examples of people finding easy ways to get started. Reading along I saw how she emphasized the importance of mindset to being a homesteader more than just the things a homesteader would do. As I read along I was struck by how the idea at its core really seemed to be creating a sense of harmony in our lives - with our food, our community, our planet, and ourselves. Homesteading is more than just “living off-grid”. Homesteading is having a mindset where we seek to live in harmony with our surroundings. It’s when we give back as much as we take to maintain a happy balance. And that is just where Emma and I find ourselves. Having a desire to live a simpler life filled with meaning rather than one of chasing after the next shiny object, or in an environment where if you don’t hustle all the time you can find yourself struggling just to get by.

We started looking for and making more harmony in our “normal” lives first, and then chose to take it on the road and see what the bigger world has to teach and show us. We are finding harmony for ourselves by making it an adventure and taking our gifts out to the bigger world. Join us if you are inspired to do so. And share with us your insights on how you create harmony so we can give and receive together.

We are now traveling healers, reach out to us, we would love to help you reach your next level of Vitality.

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