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Are you experiencing Dys-Harmony?

seeking connection

Our bodies are amazing and able to compensate in so many ways by sharing their energy and resources. It is when a system is losing too much energy and getting drained, or when the energy is stagnant that we cannot compensate anymore. This is what we call a state of dys-harmony. That it is when our body/mind creates pain. That pain is a message to make us “stop and think”.

We have seen many people with pain (low-back and neck pain) in our Chiropractic practice. Sometimes the symptoms come from our abuse of and disconnection with our physical body and need a physical approach to resolve it. Like back pain coming from sitting at the computer all day in a non-ergonomic position. We need to respect the bio-dynamics of the body and make ergonomic changes to resolve the issue. Sometimes emotional stress like feeling frustration, suffering from being “forced to work to make money”, living with loans, etc. is the cause of your body/mind pain.

  • There can be Physical symptoms such as pain, sickness and disease.
  • There can be Emotional symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fear, or frustration.
  • There can be Mental symptoms such as the feeling of being stuck, negative thought patterns, or that life continully repeats itself.
  • There can be Soul symptoms such as the deep pain of living a meaningless life, the loss of belief in the existence of God (non-religious), or being “mad” at God.

Experiencing symptoms is a sign we are in a disharmony, but that doesn’t tell us how to reclaim our harmony. Below is an exercise for you to practice checking for harmony:

Internal – Close your eyes and run a scan of your physical and energetic systems with your mind. If you’re unfamiliar with body or energetic systems, just start with the sense of your body from head to toes. Do you feel a sense of harmony and coherence? Or do you feel disconnection? Now think about when and where you feel those sensations the most?

External – Scan your environment which can also be sources of disconnect. Think about the story of your culture and how authentically aligned with it you are. Think about the toxins you regularly have contact with – both chemical and people, and how you interact with others daily. All of these things have a huge impact on our state of harmony.

Journaling is a useful tool to identify what is creating the disharmony in your life. Once you find what is creating dys-Harmony in your life, you can make changes to create Harmony.

Remember that you are the only one responsible for you being in Harmony. Others are not responsible for your state of harmony. Other people will do things that make you react, but you are responsible for your reaction. Try to have reactions that create and foster harmony in your life.

Keep in mind that we have 6 core human needs as described by Tony Robbins (certainty, uncertainty/variety, significance, connection/love, growth, and contribution). Understanding how our emotions and actions relate to our 6 Core Human Needs is a key part of learning to be in Harmony.

The first step in creating harmony is to be aware of the difference between harmony and disharmony. To accept it for what it is, and to understand it. When you do this, you have begun moving toward harmony. 😊

Our work is to help you discover your disconnections and what you should focus on to find Harmony. Contact us if you want to have a private session online or in-person to get started.

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